Santa Maria is a co-educational, inclusive, Christian minority school situated in a one-acre plot in the green belt of Vasant Kunj. Established in 1966, SMILE offers a quality 3-year pre-school program where children from various countries, socio economic backgrounds, and different abilities come together to explore the joy of growing amid animals and lush green gardens. The school is known for the pioneering work that it does to include children with different developmental challenges into mainstream school. In the early years of his life a child grapples with some basic aspects like walking and talking. While gaining mastery over these not so simple tasks he also attempts to make sense of the world he encounters and develops a sense of values. Most importantly he learns to communicate and socialize as well as to be respectful to the world around him. He comes into his own and sets the foundation for a unique identify. Parents are the crucial first point of learning in the triangle that influences a child. The other two points being the school and society. Santa Maria insists on committed and consistent parental involvement. Besides quarterly visits to the school, parents are encouraged to participate in daily school activities through the Parent volunteer group. All staff of Santa Maria are qualified and trained in the Montessori method of education.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
It is really amazing school one can experience the best education with well educated and highly qualified teachers .
Great school, staff and a good experience for any child to learn and grow.
Every student is treated equally. Teachers put in a lot of efforts to make the students comfortable and happy.
l would like to thank the school for keeping health and wellness in mind.
Amazing infrastructure, great management, skilled teachers and state-of-the-art facilities for every student.The School is made up of everything perfect.
The teachers and staff are well experienced. They work on every student with immense care.
It is really amazing school one can experience the best education with well educated and highly qualified teachers .
Great school, staff and a good experience for any child to learn and grow.
Every student is treated equally. Teachers put in a lot of efforts to make the students comfortable and happy.
l would like to thank the school for keeping health and wellness in mind.
Amazing infrastructure, great management, skilled teachers and state-of-the-art facilities for every student.The School is made up of everything perfect.
The teachers and staff are well experienced. They work on every student with immense care.