KIIT World School, formerly known as New State Academy was established in 1984 founded by the parent society, Vidyapati Sansthan (Regd.).The focus of school has always been to provide education for life and empower students to lead a life that is demonstrative of school ethos. It promotes environment that helps an individual grow up to be as socially responsible, spiritually inclined ,intellectually elevated and extremely empathetic towards peoples’ concerns... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Science labs
Smart class
Educational tours
Best environment for any student.
It's a challenging school, but child will learn a ton and culture has been very welcoming for my daughter.
The teachers are not helpful and are not there to hear child's needs and requests anytime of the day.
My son is definitely academically strong, resillent and confident!!
Excellent school with academic rigor like no other.
The school is nothing but exceptional in every regard. Great staff!!