The Kerala Education Society was registered in July 1958 under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860. The objective of the society shall be inter-alia to provide facilities for education of children in the whole of National Capital Territory of Delhi by starting suitable institutions and to promote study of Malayalam. Kerala Education Society Senior Secondary School is a Government Aided School under Department of Education, Government of NCT. School is conducting classes up to XII, in Commerce & Humanities.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I can't sayenough about the quality of the teachers. Good job!!
This truly is the best school in the country.
The staff does not have the ability to tune in very quickly with each child-to work out their strengths and set targets to achieve the best from individuals.
Hi , I studied in this school for 13 years and passedout with really good grades ! What you said is absolutely wrong , this school's faculty will get your child to golden gates if brings out his/hand to hold theirs
The school continues to impress with its dedication to teaching.
My son is engaged and thrilled to go to school each day!!
I am quite impressed by this school based on the school's reputation.