Jinvani Bharti Public School was established by Palam Jain Educational & Welfare Society in July 1997 at Sec -4, Dwarka, New Delhi. The school is an English medium , Co-educational, Senior Secondary School, spread over an area of 4 acres, out of which more than 2 acres of land is exclusively for playgrounds. It has the privilege of being the first CBSE affiliated recognized senior secondary school in Dwarka area. The school has now been acknowledged as a premier educational institution in Dwarka and its vicinity which aims at harnessing, nurturing and transforming the potential of students coming from diverse social and economic background... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
S no. | Criteria | Point |
1 | Neighbourhood upto 2 km | 60 |
2 | Neighbourhood 2.1 -4 km | 40 |
3 | Neighbourhood 4.1-5 km | 20 |
4 | Beyond 5 Km | 0 |
5 | Sibling | 40 |
Total | 160 |
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Lack of resources in the school.
The admissions staff have been very helpful during the inquiry process as well.
The school is always supportive and the teachers are always nice and friendly for cild to be the best they can be.
This school is amazing! Positive environment.
Great place for students. Very convenient.
Professional and experienced teachers.