Indraprastha Public School, A-3 Rajeev Nagar Begumpur Delhi-86 is a Co-Educational institute affiliated to the CBSE. It was started by Sher Singh Educational and Welfare Society on 1st july 2005. The School Management Committee is headed by Sh. R. P. Ram retd. Education Officer. The Managing Committee comprises eminent persons, including retd. Principals, Educationists and other prominent residents of the Delhi.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
S no. | Criteria | Point |
2 | SIBLING | 15 |
3 | GIRL CHILD | 25 |
Total | 100 |
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My best wishes and congratulations to Management, staff and students of the school.
It is a nice school where the individual could trust blindly and one can enrol their child.
Teachers are okay, except there are a few to watch out for.
Students are cared well. Overall it has all qualities one look forward as a parent.
Very nice school. They provide all round holistic approach to education, which is missing in most of the schools today.
Best choice. It is known for for its indigenous curriculum, methods of teaching and sensitive management.