Dev Samaj Modern School located inNehru Nagar.This school was started in September, 1973 on the persisting demand of the parents of the children who had to come all the way from Okhla and its surroundings to Dev Samaj Modern School. It was started on a plot of land opposite Dr. Zakir Hussain's tomb. The plot had been donated to the Dev Samaj for its cultural activities which include education and moral reclamation work, by the late Dr. Jiwan lata ji, Retd. We have put up a beautiful two-storied building with airy and to play. Modern play material like swings, slips, see-saw, jungle decent rooms and laboratories. There is large open space for the children several other items are liked by the young children very much.Any new technology likely to prove to be of help to the students, is made available by the School, and students are given an opportunity to learn, in accordance with their individual capability.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
S no. | Criteria | Point |
1 | Neighbourhood (Within 8 Kms) | 60 |
2 | Sibling | 15 |
3 | Alumni | 10 |
4 | Girl Child | 15 |
Total | 100 |
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Some teachers go above and beyond to help while some don't care.
My children love going to school. They are so much in love with the school and we are glad that we chose this one.
Wonderful place that works as a team, as a family providing children learning through new ideas and concepts.
A school with balanced approach, lively atmosphere, great teachers, professionalism, above all, love for kids. More than enough reasons to go for it.
It's a school with advanced technology, efficient faculty and a great ambiance
A school with a difference and passionate teaching faculty. They focus on overall development of the kids .