Taksila Public School was established as a coeducational English medium school in the year 1973 with all three streams. The school is run by Mr. GBS Ahluwalia. He is the Director of Taksila Public School since its existence. The school building incorporates the latest in layout and design. Taksila Public School offers a safe and secure, pollution free and eco-friendly environment with the sate of the art infrastructure.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
S no. | Criteria | Point |
1 | DISTANCE | 40 |
2 | SIBLING | 30 |
3 | PARENT ALUMNI | 20 |
4 | SINGLE PARENT | 10 |
Total | 100 |
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Excellenf atmosphere in school for all types of activities as well as education. Proud parents!
Peace and Study with fun!
Excellent institution, school is indeed very good.
Very professional teaching staff. kudos to the whole team!
Administrative officials are not amiable and welcoming in person.
It is the best educational organisation in thetown!