MAPLE BEAR CANADIAN PRE SCHOOL located in RAJOURI GARDEN. We are proud of Canada's track record of excellence in education, and we want to bring the very best of Canadian early childhood and elementary school practices and programs to India. Our goal is to establish Maple Bear Canadian preschools and elementary schools throughout India. There are currently 78 Maple Bear Schools in India and we are steadily expanding.Maple Bear in India is a joint venture between Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd, Canada and Modi Edutech (Modi group).... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
If you are looking for a school where teachers are top quality and genuinely care about students and their academic success, look no further and this is the one.
Our daughter is an extremely happy girl and a big part of that has been the love the teachers have shown her and the friends she has made at the school. Our experience has been wonderful.
Two of our boys cuurently attend and the third will start next year. We love this pre school.
Great school, wonderful teachers, great atmosphere for kids to grow up in.
Excellent school encourages independent students.
If you are looking for a school where teachers are top quality and genuinely care about students and their academic success, look no further and this is the one.
Our daughter is an extremely happy girl and a big part of that has been the love the teachers have shown her and the friends she has made at the school. Our experience has been wonderful.
Two of our boys cuurently attend and the third will start next year. We love this pre school.
Great school, wonderful teachers, great atmosphere for kids to grow up in.
Excellent school encourages independent students.