The Baptist Convent Sr. Sec. School is a co-educational English medium Senior Secondary School which is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Founded with the purpose to impart intellectual and moral values to the students, the school stands for its finest education platform. The Baptist Convent Sr. Sec. School is established with the purpose to provide nourishing and quality education. We make necessary efforts to provide the students an environment which will let them learn noble thoughts that help them to maintain peace with their aged group students and with the world. We allow the child to attain both physical and mental development in a harmonious environment. We ensure that complete attention is being imparted to the child’s intellect so that the surrounding will let that child develop at the fullest.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Well done to everyone, this has been brilliant start to my child's school years
We can't thank enough for everything everybody does for all the children in this school
My child's confidence in everything she does has tripled this year, which is just wornderful.
The school is not truly outstanding.
All staff are incredibly friendly.
I have felt very informed, the school appears to have high standards, good lanning and organisation and knowledgwable professional staff