The founder of St. Peters International School Mr. J. Sambabu pioneered the start of Indian English medium schools in Kodaikanal in the year 1979.St. Peters International School has currently entered into the 40th year of gratifying service to the people of Kodaikanal; founded by J. Sambabu and his wife Nirmala in the year 1985, since then the school has grown from sixty students and two buildings to over seven hundred students and sixty thousand square feet of buildings and infrastructure. The new infrastructure includes: a one of a kind basketball stadium, international standard hostels, large sporting grounds, a well stocked library, and a beautiful chapel.The school was named Peter’s, after the Greek word ‘petros’ meaning rock and this strength is evident in it’s support for their hardworking teachers and generations of brilliant students. The school is renowned for its academic standing and leadership building qualities.... Read more
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If a school can support a child?s hobbies along with main stream curriculum it ought to be great one. Thats what I feel for this school.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.
I went to a school which taught my moral values and laid equal emphasis on studies. So I was sure that the school I enroll my child in must be exactly like that. Im glad I found this school.