Little Millennium preschool located in Vadgaon Sheri.Little Millennium is the best preschool chain in India,The guiding principle is to provide children with a culturally sound environment and at Little Millennium is full of fun and learning, collaborative group work, & all-round skill development.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The teachers never made my child feel lonely. I will always be thankful to them.
Very content as a mother. I could not have provided better.
A great a learning journey so far. As a parent I am satisfied
My kid loves the time at school and as a parent thats music to my ears.
I cant even ask my child who is more dear. The school or me. Because I know the answer might be school. Im delighted.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.
The teachers never made my child feel lonely. I will always be thankful to them.
Very content as a mother. I could not have provided better.
A great a learning journey so far. As a parent I am satisfied
My kid loves the time at school and as a parent thats music to my ears.
I cant even ask my child who is more dear. The school or me. Because I know the answer might be school. Im delighted.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.