School is the first learning institution for every person. It is the only place where for the first time a person receives serious and planned education. A child is definitely educated at home, but the kind of education that school provides is inevitably superior. At school, every aspect of a child’s development is kept in mind, and worked upon accordingly. School not only gives a child bookish knowledge but also social, moral and cultural growth. This is why the role of school is extremely significant for every person. As a person grows, he learns more and more, and finally, reaches the age of learning and growth where he has to leave school. After getting out from school, the majority of people miss it. Why so? There are many social, psychological and moral reasons for it.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Activity clubs here are my child?s favourite. My child has a creative bent so this school meet all our needs.
The sports are slowly making it up but there can be many other sports activities the school can make available to students.
I am extremely proud of my child as not just academics, the achievements go beyond that. Sports and dance were two main concerns and my kid is excelling in both.
I wont say I have never had to address my concern or I have had no complains. I have reached out when needed and the team at school had given me all support.