DPS Patiala is a premier co-educational school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. Having been functional since April 2013, Delhi Public School Patiala has a leading school in the royal city of Patiala, offering excellent education in a splendid campus, spread over 8 acres. Life in Delhi Public School centers on a shared commitment to academic excellence, intellectual growth, arts, athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. Depth and variety are added to each student's life by the school's traditions and accessibility to a broad curriculum.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Very nice school I recommend to everyone
I enrolled my kids to this school last year and so far I dont have any complaints It is going very good for all three of my kids
I like how the school gives importance to both studies and sports I could never have been more right than to send my kid to this school
Great campus and infrastructure the teachers and faculty are also greatly qualified Very good school
good school my kid loves going to school every day