The Alexandra Girls’ English Institution founded in 1863 by Manockjee Cursetjee aims at the intellectual advancement of Indian girls as well as their moral and social amelioration and elevation.To give an all round education to our girls and equip them with skills to enable them to take their rightful place in society as contributing citizens with ease & confidence... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Sending the kid to study a little away from home was a choice I made after many second thoughts. But after admitting my child here I have never had any such thoughts. I am very happy
Few teachers at the school who are wonderful, really intelligent, caring teachers, who will really make you learn. There are other teachers who are frankly awful, and have been there for a long time.
The best gift any parent can give their children is a good foundation for their educational future done within a safe environment. The staff at the school are conscientious, skillful and knowledgeable. The children academically grow in an environment that is very nurturing.