"St. Andrew’s School is a Catholic educational institution conducted by the Archdiocese of Bombay. It is aided by the Govt. of Maharashtra. The course of study is arranged according to the syllabus laid down by the Department of Education, Maharashtra. The school admits boys without regard to race, colour, sex, caste or religion. We seek students who can cope with the programme of study, who are curious, eager and whose parents are supportive of the school’s mission. 
St. Andrews accepts students at all year levels, where vacancies are available. 

 Class size ranges from 50 to 60 students. It is the first school founded in Bandra after Bombay passed on to the English and was St. Andrew’s Parish School. It was started by the Vicar, Fr. Francisco de Mello in 1780."... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Great school. Has all modern facilities and a very exciting way of teaching that makes children eager to learn.
Good school. I am delighted to send my kid in this school.
A school with a unique concept. I am very happy with the overall development of my kids.
My child says the classes tend to be boring not holding the attention.
Great school, teachers are very supportive and understanding, good interaction between parents and teachers.
The school has delivered what it promised. I am a proud parent.