Shiv Shikshan Sansthasn D.S High School, originally named as Sion English School began its incredible journey by way of a humble beginning in the year 1939. The school has till date retained its culture of discipline, hard work and has also blended it with the latest technological update, thereby ensuring that the students are at par with their counterparts in various other schools across the state. The classrooms are equipped with facilities of smart learning with the help of Educomp technologies and dedicated teachers ensure that knowledge is imparted in an effective manner. The efforts of the management and the teachers are reflected regularly in the impressive results of the S S C Board examinations and also various other competitive exams which most of the students clear with flying colours... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Beautiful campus, teachers are dedicated and lots of events at the school for the child to be constructively engaged in.
Sending the kid to study a little away from home was a choice I made after many second thoughts. But after admitting my child here I have never had any such thoughts. I am very happy
There's not much variety; everything is academic related making it hard to escape school for a child.
The best part is my child has friends from many cities and states and I think that good for social skill development