SHETH KARAMSHI KANJI ENGLISH SCHOOL, MANAGED BY S.M.P.R.SHALA TRUST is affiliated to the CBSE Board, Delhi.t enjoys an important place in Mulund's education map and provides a progressive , broad based and comprehensive education to boys and girls .We have classes from Nursery upto Class X with a strength of 2267 students. S.M.P.R Shala Trust is 74 years old, running successfully Gujarati & English medium schools... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Not good as expected, only focus is on studies, no extra curricular activities. And compulsory Gujrati language subject in 3rd grade which should have been a optional subject for the 90% Gujju crowd
We do not like the overall environment of the school.
Teachers are professional and take learning very seriously
Excellent school.
It is the best school ever!!!
Very open minded, understanding and lovely people!
This is a really nice school. it makes students improve their different skills in many ways. teachers are professional and they provides great opportunities for students to experience many activities.