MMHS is a pioneer school in Malwani established by Mrs. Jayashree Madurkar in the year 1978.MMHS provides a comprehensive, effective, stimulating, challenging and enjoyable academic education which will equip your child with skills, knowledge and attitudes, as well as the values necessary to live and work... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Activity clubs here are my child?s favourite. My child has a creative bent so this school meet all our needs.
I wont say I have never had to address my concern or I have had no complains. I have reached out when needed and the team at school had given me all support.
The staff and administration are not very helpful to students and parents.
I am extremely proud of my child as not just academics, the achievements go beyond that. Sports and dance were two main concerns and my kid is excelling in both.