In the Heart of Matunga, Opp Central Railway Station Our School is a Co-ed School. The medium of instruction in Our School is English. School is affiliated to SSC Board (Maharashtra).Our School has classes from Pre-Primary (Play Group, Nursery & K. G.) to Primary (1st to 4th Grade) & Secondary (5th to 10th Grade) The School operates in single divisions for each standard & has around 45 to 50 students... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The classroom atmosphere is very pleasant and cordial as shared by my child.
It is such a good school.
High academic standards.
We as parents have made a good decision by sending our child in this school. The coaching is exceptional..
A school with the management seeing the end deliverance in mind and curating the students in line with its motto.
They do not have too many sports.