"Hasanat High School, Mumbai is a PRIVATE, ICSE, Co-educational School, run under the aegis of ATTALIM, the educational administration of Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A.). The school was founded in June 1978, with a handful of chirpy three year olds. The foundation stone was laid by Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A.). By 1991, Hasanat had blossomed into a full-fledged school. The school is a project of HASANAT-UL-EID-UZ-ZAHABI. The motto of the school is ‘Knowledge enjoins good deeds’. The school has committed, dedicated, qualified and friendly staff at all four levels: Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary and Deeniyat. The school takes keen interest in maintaining quality education through ‘teacher training programmes’ and ‘teacher training camps’ which are conducted every year. It is for this very reason that the school secures 100% results every year."... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
A creative, engaged and sensitive learning community driven by committed, open minded teachers. Our two sons enjoy coming to school every day, and we parents are happy to know that they are in such warm and caring hands. Thank you!
Fab school... Our child loves it there.
Worth and recommended to visit. What a great work!
The teachers and staff are like family.
As a parent of two kids, I feel that the staff are not well educated and are not very comfortable with their job.
Fabulous and supportive teachers. Great facilities. Value for money. Highly recommended.