"The School was built by Sorabjee Shapoorjee Bengallee in the memory of his mother, Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee and in token of his filial love and gratitude for all that she had done for him. The full name of the School is Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee Girls' High School. The original school was a fine bungalow situated at the junction of Parsi Bazaar Street and Sir Pherozeshah Mehta Road. The school was only for Parsee girls. For the first time in 1944, the students were sent for the Matriculation Examination. With the passage of time, the old building gave way to a new edifice and in a new locality. In 1952, the new building comprising of five storeys was completed. It was located at Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, formerly called New Marine Lines.... Read more
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The best care and education for the little ones.
Cozy and familiar, individualized teaching adapted to the level of each student.
I'm so happy and motivated in this school as a parent. I was constantly impressed by the professionalism and dedication of the teaching staff.
The environment of the school does not motivate the child to be successful.
My children, ages 10 and 12, have been in school since they were 6 years old and are happy. The school is small and that favors a familiar and close environment with the teachers.
Fantastic team of teachers. My children are happy.