Al Muminah School is an Islamic School; born out of the ideology that only worldly academic education is not sufficient for our ultimate success. Ultimate success for a believer is to be successful in the Hereafter.We have reached a stage where an average Muslim, educated in pure worldly academics, is unable to understand Islam because the Islamic theologians, who impart the Islamic teachings, are not educated in the Sciences and Mathematics and therefore, are unable to satisfactorily answer with logic and reasoning, the questions asked by Muslims educated in academics only... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The school provides a very safe and healthy environment to thechildren.
There's a lot of academic rigor.
If a school can support a child?s hobbies along with main stream curriculum it ought to be great one. Thats what I feel for this school.
I went to a school which taught my moral values and laid equal emphasis on studies. So I was sure that the school I enroll my child in must be exactly like that. Im glad I found this school.