Kusum Public School is located in Village Jashrathpur, P.O Sakoti, NH 58, District Meerut. with a lush green beautiful environment. It is a co-educational school promoting healthy relationship.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Most important quality for any good school is academics. Other things are add ons. Here all requirements are met.
Nice school. Good choice
I am extremely proud of my child as not just academics, the achievements go beyond that. Sports and dance were two main concerns and my kid is excelling in both.
The faculty is very good and the choice of activities for evening or clubs is vast
Sending the kid to study a little away from home was a choice I made after many second thoughts. But after admitting my child here I have never had any such thoughts. I am very happy
Last year my kid came and home for holidays and had all vegetables. It is funny but I felt it was an achievement. Not only that but the regimented routine of waking up and sleeping on time was also a pleasant surprise.
Apart from good teachers what I like the most about this school is their approach towards learning. It is very different from other schools.
I am indeed happy with the way school deals with kids. The fact that the teachers are sensitive to individuality of the kids and accordingly help them through their journey of learning is incredible.