Established in the year 1968, Manovikas School is amongst the most prestigious schools in Goa. Throughout its glorious history of half-a-century, the school has provided the guidance, tools and environment to help thousands of students identify and nurture individual talents and grow up to become caring, responsible and contributing citizens.Manovikas implies ‘Mann ka Vikas’ (development of the mind), and this has always been the central idea behind the functioning of the school... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Mychild is happy with the teaching method and the behaviour of the teachers againt him,he says that his teacher is a new friend .
They have many sports options with good trainers
We treat Manovikas has a second home for a child
As a parent i will refer this school to other parents because i can see the changes in my childs education
School permises is good and well managed