Ram Prasad Bismil Memorial Public School aims at providing value based education with the excellence of global standard. This school started in 2008, under the aegis of the Management Trustee of this school for the betterment of the children of the surrounding areas. It is the first school in this area that got CBSE affiliation. The missionary zeal with which it is being run is for creating individuals who are confident, goal oriented, world leaders, sensitive to the society and their environment and creator of ideal tomorrow.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
People who are looking school in this region I would recommend you to join RAM PRASAD BISMIL MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL and have the bright future
Being a parent I feel glad about RAM PRASAD BISMIL MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL and also to send my kids to this school I also recommend this school to others
The school provides best of all features and motivates each and every student
RAM PRASAD BISMIL MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL is very memoriable for my kids it help them to build good carrer
The academic circullam configured and the activities they plan is a very