Eurokidsindia is located in Lichu Bagan, Khardah and it was Launched in 2001, we rapidly changed the face of Pre-School education in the country. Our success, as one of the leading education services provider in the category raised the expectations of many hopeful parents,EuroSchool which today has grown to 10 K-12 schools in 6 cities. EuroKids offers your child a great environment to help them discover a new world every day.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The teachers never made my child feel lonely. I will always be thankful to them.
Very content as a mother. I could not have provided better.
A great a learning journey so far. As a parent I am satisfied
My kid loves the time at school and as a parent thats music to my ears.
I cant even ask my child who is more dear. The school or me. Because I know the answer might be school. Im delighted.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.
The teachers never made my child feel lonely. I will always be thankful to them.
Very content as a mother. I could not have provided better.
A great a learning journey so far. As a parent I am satisfied
My kid loves the time at school and as a parent thats music to my ears.
I cant even ask my child who is more dear. The school or me. Because I know the answer might be school. Im delighted.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.