Sree Narayana Public School Poothotta as established in the year 1994 and affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and upgraded as Senior Secondary in the year 2005. It aims overall development of every child. Education does not confine to drawing out the intellectual excellence alone but to develop the physical, mental, and spiritual development of a child’s personality.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
For the most part the teachers are very helpful and will do everything they can to help a child succeed in the class and feel comfortable
Good extracurriculars and academics Students are high achievers
The staff really cares about their students in Sree Narayana Public School and values a good culture Facilities are well kept up and cleaned for all
The education at Sree Narayana Public School Poothotta is amazing All of the teachers are perfect I know that my kids are getting a good education
The school truly feels like a big family Since the virtual learning started the teachers and the school have been so organized and accommodating