Mother India School is a pioneer co-educational English medium school located in the heart of the village of Maraut (Haryana). The Siksha Sudhar Samiti Maraut Jhajjar comprising eminent personalities from all walks of life is the apex body of the school. Emanating from a humble beginning, today this versatile institution has grown into a full fledged Senior Secondary School. It got affiliated to CBSE and later was upgraded to class XII.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
As a parent i feel the Infrastructure is little insufficient and they upgrade there infrastructure
As a parent i feel the Infrastructure is little insufficient and they upgrade there infrastructure
Our Kid has been very interactive recent past this due to the school teacher have collaborating with each kids in assessing there plans
Our Kid has been very interactive recent past this due to the school teacher have collaborating with each kids in assessing there plans
Sporting space has been fine but they need invest more towards these facilities
Sporting space has been fine but they need invest more towards these facilities
My Child felt the facilities provided in previous school is not same in this school, School can update there facility in coming future
My Child felt the facilities provided in previous school is not same in this school, School can update there facility in coming future
School is prepared for the carving the children future requirement through good academics
School is prepared for the carving the children future requirement through good academics