Vidhya Sagar School is an English Medium Co-educational needs of providing comprehensive qualitative education to develop the various facets of a child's personality This school was started in july,1991 in a newly constructed spacious building having healthy environment, provides liberal and ideal education to both boys and girls coming from all over India regardless of class, caste, colour,creed or community.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Sending your child to a little distance to fetch milk used to worry me initially imagine taking this step. But on out visit we were shown how safe abd secure is the school premises. We decided then itself and enrolled.
Teachers gave a lot of time in the initial meetings to gain deeper insights about my child. That moved me.
The faculty is very good and the choice of activities for evening or clubs is vast
My child does not like coming to the school. Workload is overbearing.
Labs and computers are very advanced. They are digitally progressing over the time.