Sideras International School is located in village Borkhedi, MHOW in Indore district in Madhya Pradesh. It was established in the year 2012, with the aim to provide excellence in education. It is run by Deen Bandhu Charitable Trust. It was begun as an MP Board school from class NURSERY to VIII.The school got its affiliation to CBSE in 2014 up to class X and upgraded up to class XII. At present it has classes from NURSERY to XII. The school building is surrounded by landscape beautiful gardens, free from noise and air pollution.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Best school
The most amazing thing about our school community is how welcoming both the faculty and students are to any new students.
The collaboration with students and teachers is excellent.
Facilities not up to the mark but teachers make up for it.
It?s a place my children have made great friends and memories and learned invaluable lessons that will stay with them forever.
Overall development is remarkable which leads students to win.
There is a strong sense of community and everyone makes you feel like family when you walk through the door.