T.I.M.E School located in Bandlaguda.T.I.M.E. has over 25 years of experience in the education sector, during which it has established a country-wide network of educational institutions and trained more than 18.5 lakh students. Due to the highly effective teaching and training methods developed at T.I.M.E. it's students have consistently achieved the top ranks in competitive examinations across the nation. With a proven track record in creating high achievers, T.I.M.E. is now starting to T.I.M.E. Started T.I.M.E. School with a vision to create the same success.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Teachers and management are very approachable.
They know every child very well and care deeply.
The school lacks diversity and has grown to embrace a pressure cooker culture that has aggressive parents pushing grades over learning and trying to teach ahead to give their kids a leg up over others.
My daughter looks so happy and engaged andis having the best time of her life.
My son is growing into a strong indeoen
The teachers are amazing with huge hearts.