The Global Edge School, Banjara Hills is an English medium Primary school, Situated in most famous locality of Hyderabad very close to Lotus Pond, a stone’s throw from KBR Park, amidst the picturesque beauty of Jagdamba Temple & the posh MLA colony. It is among the best upcoming school in this locality. We value each child as unique with individual talent, strength, interest & needs. We create a place for children where they can play, explore, learn and grow both mentally & physically. We believe in the holistic all around development of the child, both in Academics & extra co-curricular activities, in a stress free & happy environment. ... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The management really does try and as a parent, I give them credit for that; however, they don't always have the best solutions.
Our son has had most amazing days at this school.