SR DIGI School is Located In OLD ALWAL, Innovative in approach and inspiring in more ways than one, the SR Digi School now turns learning into an unforgettable experience. This new concept adds a new dimension to the traditional text book and blackboard method of teaching. Visual aids now change the way things are taught and understood thereby improving the power of understanding in students. This technology reaches out to the common man through its affordability and provides the ideal platform for children from all walks of life to make a mark for themselves. The school not only creates an avenue for those who aspire to make their dreams come true, it also inspires students to pick up their subjects with ease and be on par with the best. The school has classes from Nursery to X with all the usual amenities... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The best gift any parent can give their children is a good foundation for their educational future done within a safe environment. The staff at the school are conscientious, skillful and knowledgeable. The children academically grow in an environment that is very nurturing.
My child is struggling to make friends. May be they should try to help children who are shy.
The infrastructure is very good , the staff is cooperative and it gives me immense satisfaction to be associated with this school.