Ravindra bharathi school is located in Hyderguda.Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, a visionary, who gave a fresh outlook, a fresh approach to education and brought value addition to teaching that gave freedom of expression to students to be more creative and innovative. He realized that our nation's progress is dependent on the changes that he sought to implement. He was a philosopher and an educationist with a pragmatic approach. His solutions to problems were exceptional because they were very simple. He was a very keen student of nature and its beauty.Ravindra Bharathi at Nellore was established in the year 1994 with an intention to provide comprehensive education for overall development of the students. The results were very encouraging from the very first year. The school's popularity grew in a very short time and it drew appreciation for being a pioneer in teaching methods with its quality education. This motivated the school to spread its wings to the cities of Tirupati and Hyderabad.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Activity clubs here are my child?s favourite. My child has a creative bent so this school meet all our needs.
Last year my kid came and home for holidays and had all vegetables. It is funny but I felt it was an achievement. Not only that but the regimented routine of waking up and sleeping on time was also a pleasant surprise.
It is such a nice feeling to see your child blossom like the nature close to nature. Im lucky that I am capable of giving my child this kind of upbringing here. This school is my child?s second home.
Stressful and school cares more about its image than students.