"The International Educational Academy is an organization established by Prof. Kakarla Subbarao, an internationally renowned radiologist and a person with a vision. The high ideals that he cherishes and the urge to serve the cause of education prompted him to establish the Academy. The Academy was founded in 1991 with the avowed objective of bringing about radical reconstruction of education by undertaking studies, research projects and innovations in the educational and allied fields. Imparting education of a high standard to children and helping them to achieve excellence in their performance have been the foremost objectives of the Academy. It is in furtherance of these objectives that a School was established under the aegis of the Academy."... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
As a parent, I have had a great experience with International School Shaikpet. My children love the supportive teachers, interesting curriculum, and fun extracurricular activities. The school offers a safe and caring environment that helps students learn and grow. I highly recommend it!
It righfully deserves the tag of best school in India
The school community is very welcoming and the environment is relaxed.
This is one of the best school in India
I see a marked improvement in his ability to understand the topics as well as his ability to convey the content covered in his school
Actually I am a working mother and always want a bst school fo my daughter. Finally I am satisfied and I feel my child is in safe hands and she will have a bright future
Teachers easily recognize the innate potential of the students and encourage them to follow the righteous path