In 2001 in New Palam Vihar, Gurgaon in a wide area with lush green surroundings. The school takes the responsibility of nurturing the best skills in a child through a cordial and interactive environment where the child can feel the warmth of a relation with the teachers and friends. The message "Believe in Yourself" conveys the meaning that the spirit should be raised to such a height that, "One must believe the unbelievable, and snatch the possible out of the impossible". We seek to generate a positive atmosphere by making the child learn to develop self confidence and an overall personality.The school is affiliated to CBSE board... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
We are beyond happy with this school! The help my daughter has received in her studies is amazing. Thank you!
I feel every effort is already being made to identify where improvements could be made and staff strive to acheive the highest standards.
Offer a family oriented, nurturing environment that motivates children to be the best they can be.
Staff is very approachable and helpful with concerns, my child is learning well!!
My son is happy and motivated!!
Most of the teachers are good but there could be some change in regards to how the staff connect with the students.