"Global Public School, Teekli is set up by Sh. Puran Singh Memorial Education Society (Registered) established in the year 2013. The Management of GPS has to its credit vast experience in the field of education as trendsetters in providing quality education and amenities and facilities to its Students and Teachers which are Unique. Day-to-day management in GPS is implemented and executed by Mr. Devender Hans (Chairman), Mrs. Deepika Hans (Director), Mr. M.Giridharan (Principal), Mrs. Sweta Pande (Headmistress) .The school is affiliated to CBSE vide Aff.No.531294 upto Secondary Level and will soon be upgraded to Senior Secondary Level. All three streams will be offered to the students based on their performance in Class X Board Exams.The streams offered are:SCIENCE(Medical and Non-medical), COMMERCE and HUMANITIES. The school has already well established, well equipped State of the Art Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab and Biology Lab to cater to the students of Senior Secondary. "... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
My child's experience entering middle school has been very positive- I consider that a a direct comment about the courses and staff.
I have referred several friends to this school and they are pleased with the school.
Great teachers andstaffs that care for kids and their success.
I feel this school has high standrads and discipline.
I feel the academics are excellent and my child's needs are addressed.
As a parents we fee that a lot of teachers teach well but most give alot of unecessary busywork.