Paras Public School is a co-educational school which was established in April 2011 affiliated to CBSE board. Paras Public School is proposing an innovative direction in education where young children are respected as competent thinkers and communicators who are ordered many opportunities to engage with a range of materials and resources to extend and challenge their thinking... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Students get an average overall education.
The facilities in the school are very good. Even teachers are very cooperative.
Most important quality for any good school is academics. Other things are add ons. Here all requirements are met.
It was a short visit but we were sure we wanted this school for our child because the staff was so humble and caring
Im sure as a parent that my child will make me proud one day, this school is putting in a lot of efforts to groom my kid well.