"SSK Public School" is an English medium co-educational school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school is an attempt to give a 'local habitation and name' to this dream, dreamt years ago. The assimilation of traits as courage, confidence, compassion, character, creativity, commitment , dedication, diligence, determination, discipline etc. in students to enable them to embrace new challenges with aplomb and resilience and thus be simple and virtue and steadfast in duty... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Efficient staff, spacious and well equipped building, this school is all we had thought and much more. We are proud parents.
Struggling to match timings was becoming such a pain. Here the day is timed in a manner that the child can study and spend other time in pursuing hobbies and other interests.
Education is not that good here.
It is such a nice feeling to see your child blossom like the nature close to nature. Im lucky that I am capable of giving my child this kind of upbringing here. This school is my child?s second home.
Last year my kid came and home for holidays and had all vegetables. It is funny but I felt it was an achievement. Not only that but the regimented routine of waking up and sleeping on time was also a pleasant surprise.