Rawal International School is located in the tranquil and locals of the ancient Aravalli Hills that lend most desirable and conducive environment for teaching and learning. The children are at peace with them and happy throughout the day. In times, when due to increasing habitation, the wide expanses are receding and spacious accommodation are becoming a rarity and achieved only by a few privileged ones, the students at Rawals get to experience the joy of spending their day amidst the vast panoramic and resplendent environs and beautiful landscape where learning becomes a pleasure for them. “Be it world-class infrastructure or futuristic facilities, all our resources and expertise are aimed towards churning out real performers. Our assets are our achievers. The facilities are just compliment to their efforts.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
They should have more options for extracullicular activites to keep the child's mind busy and active.
Putting my child in this school is one of the best decisions I have made. The school concentrates on overall development and the individual attention to each child is exemplary. The quality of teachers and their dedication is really praise worthy. Definitely one of the best schools in this city.
The infrastructure is very good , the staff is cooperative and it gives me immense satisfaction to be associated with this school.
The school has a knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff. Positive learning environment provides encouragement and confidence in children and help them in growing holistically.