Modern Arya Public School Affiliated To CBSE, New Delhi established in 2001. Our mission is to shape and mould the students or individuals in such a way that they remain honest with their aim in mind forever. We always look forward to give our heart and soul to all the children , so that we could be known as the center of Excellence , in field of education... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
If a school can support a child?s hobbies along with main stream curriculum it ought to be great one. Thats what I feel for this school.
The school is not very well maintained, inside and out.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.
I went to a school which taught my moral values and laid equal emphasis on studies. So I was sure that the school I enroll my child in must be exactly like that. Im glad I found this school.