The school is located Veeraragavapuram, Chennai. Ravindra Bharathi is renowned for its excellence in education, and prides itself on being a large family of 70,000 (students) where children are treated as individuals. Ravindra Bharathi has always enjoyed the reputation as "one amongst the best" institutions in Andhra Pradesh, where every pearl picked out is given required attention. The school is the most important factor in shaping the future of every child. Ravindra Bharathi is an idyllic place for children to grow and develop. The curriculum at Ravindra Bharathi is specially designed for international requirement that provides many experiences through activities, excursions and sports. Fundamental to its success is the strong belief that every child is a unique individual with different needs. We ensure that we combine challenging and enriching experience with academic vigour and creative opportunities. We offer a unique environment where all students are motivated to fully develop their talent and skills. Ravindra Bharathi firmly believes that beyond love, education is the most important gift a parent can give to their children. It has always been a canvas for the children to paint the colours of their culture and custom. All individuals are nurtured to achieve the success with their full potential. We strive for academic excellence for all students. RBGS is getting affiliation with the CBSE, with Grades VI to X following the curriculum designed by CBSE. Students follow the 5 subjects English, Second Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science, with the school providing instructions in Yoga, Computers, Physical and Health Education, Arts, Music and Dance. The curriculum is well assorted with the integrated syllabus tailored by the school, adding the extra edge to the traditional academics The CCE system designed by the CBSE will also be implemented.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Apart from good teachers what I like the most about this school is their approach towards learning. It is very different from other schools.
Decisions related to kids were always our family decisions. My in laws my parents me and my husband. This was the only school we all had a mutual liking so we are here.
Work on the infrastructure.
The years spent in school are important for a child in every way. As parents it is our responsibility to provide them this opportunity. That is why I chose this school for my kid.
There is no good and bad school in my opinion . But as a parent if this school makes my kid happy it becomes the best school for me