The school is located Perambur. Forty three years ago, with the blessings of the Chairman & Senior Principal’s Mother, Smt. Kaligi Ranganathan Ammal, Montford English School was founded on 6-6-1970 with Kindergarten classes and 33 pupils, to be of service to young children in their formative years of life. The initial location was at Door No. 15, Bharathi Road, II Street, Perambur. The school started with strength of 33 in 1970, soon became quite popular for Primary Edcuation in English Medium in these areas and the strength picked up fast. The name Montford was christened in memory of two great Yeomen – Simon De Montford, an English Statesman and Soldier, known for his Strict Discipline and good conduct in the English Army, and Saint Louis Marie De Montford, a world renowned Educationalist who was the first in the world to render an all round education for the total development of the young.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I went to a school which taught my moral values and laid equal emphasis on studies. So I was sure that the school I enroll my child in must be exactly like that. Im glad I found this school.
Lovely campus and lots of activities to keep kids occupied even after school.
If a school can support a child?s hobbies along with main stream curriculum it ought to be great one. Thats what I feel for this school.
Staff are not so dedicated to their students.
A complete packed day is what the school offers to the child. Thats the best part.