The school is located PMT nagar. School was founded in the year 1975 with the motive of given the highest and the best education to our children on par with the outstanding schools in Madras city. In the year 1984, Joshua Educational trust was formed and the model school was upgraded as Joshua Matriculation school. Branch schools were opened in and around Anna Nagar, to take education to the doors of the people. The Matriculation school was upgraded as Hr. Sec. School in the year 1994.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The school has a very friendly and safe environment.
Absolutely satisfied with the education methodologies, staff attitude and a warm and caring school environment
After a lot of research I decided to put my child in this shool and I am very happy with my decision.
Excellent School and great teachers. The School is very huge and students really have a complete fruitful schedule.
As parents, we feel that this school is not overall very organized and warm welcoming.