The school is located Thiruvalleeshwarar nagar. School was founded in the year 1975 with the motive of given the highest and the best education to our children on par with the outstanding schools in Madras city. In the year 1984, Joshua Educational trust was formed and the model school was upgraded as Joshua Matriculation school. Branch schools were opened in and around Anna Nagar, to take education to the doors of the people. The Matriculation school was upgraded as Hr. Sec. School in the year 1994.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
I cant even ask my child who is more dear. The school or me. Because I know the answer might be school. Im delighted.
A perfect balance of studies and sports.
The school does not make sure that students are independent in and outside of school to help them become good adults and responsible students.
Learning must never be forced or stressful. And seeing my child learn happily is so reassuring
My kid loves the time at school and as a parent thats music to my ears.