Blue Bells Play School is located in Madananda puram, Porur. At the core of The Blue Bells is a widely acclaimed world-class system of preschool education. This system embodies the right balance between guidance and freedom for the child. It provides a carefully planned and structured environment in which the child grows and learns in a natural way. Today, The Blue Bells system of education is meticulously and uniformly followed across all its branches.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
Best play school among all with awesome activities.
Perfect place for the growth and nourishment of the young minds. With wonderful teachers and administration. The school gives kids the opportunity to try everything they are interested in. This is an amazing school!
Best platform for toddlers to start their journey of education with fun.
Very good school in play grp category. I will recommend this school for kids .
It is safe place for our children where they learn new things .
Its a wonderful school with best activity & easy learning for kids
Best play school among all with awesome activities.
Perfect place for the growth and nourishment of the young minds. With wonderful teachers and administration. The school gives kids the opportunity to try everything they are interested in. This is an amazing school!
Best platform for toddlers to start their journey of education with fun.
Very good school in play grp category. I will recommend this school for kids .
It is safe place for our children where they learn new things .
Its a wonderful school with best activity & easy learning for kids