President SRI.T.N.M. NAMBIAR. The idea of establishing a CBSE school under the management of Sree Ayyappa Education & Charitable trust was well conceived in the year 1996 by the Ayyappa Education and Temple Trust. To spread its planned mission it was started in a sprawling area of more than 3 acres with building in Medarahalli during the session 2005-2006 with classes 1 to 4. SAEC (CBSE) give utmost priority to provide enhancing environment that promotes self discipline, positive attitude, self esteem, goal setting and inculcate values in them, so that righteousness in the heart is developed in young minds. In the last few years we have emerged as one of the premier institute, with a concerned blend of veteran and mentors in the field of education. We have been constantly putting efforts in developing and polishing the skills of children and helping them in occupying leadership position in various fields and enabling them in emerging as leaders in the global scenario. The School is located Medarahalli.... Read more
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Very good school
Provides children basic needs such as safety and care.
My child has developed socially aswell as educationally.
My daughter loves it and seems very happy to be here.
Both of my daughters have thrived at this school. I have always found the staff to be approachable.
Teachers are very kind.
The teachers are not very communicative and helpful