The first Branch of Samsidh came into being at HSR in the year 2009 with 17 children. Today, Samsidh is growing to be one of the leading schools in India with over 10000+ Students, 850+ Teachers 17+ Locations 10+ Years.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
We feel that the teachers are not very committed to the students.
The efforts they put here in grooming children is unmatched.
I m a happy parent and hae never had any reaon to complain.
I am very happy since my child started to come to this school. My little one loves learning and scores very well in the exams. Teachers are so informative, cooperative, and knowledgeable in all aspects of my child.
A nice school with emphasis on both academics and other activities.
A great institute.