The Prakriya Green Wisdom School - started by the Foundation in 1999 to focus on humanistic and ecologically wise education. During the last decade, Prakriya has been a pioneer in creative school education, focusing on experiential learning of principles of nature along with a deep concern for the inner nature of every child and her learning patterns. Prakriya now has about 500 students, 60 teachers and about 40 Resource Persons and support staff. Prakriya is affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi and IGCSE, UK; Five batches of students have successfully completed the class 10th school leaving examination.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
We are very glad that we set a good base for our child to build his future by enrolling him to this school
Their staff is supportive, helpful and genuinely care about the it's students
Brilliant school as well as the staff is the most loving
Sports facilities is poor.
It's a perfect combination of education and culture. They deliver what they say, highly recommended.
Caring and friendy teachers impeccably maintained facilities and a school management