Our Lady of Fatima School established in 1975, by Mr. Lawrence.M.D’SA. He started it as a home tutorial in a rented building in the year 1975. It grew stage by stage and in the year 1992, Our Lady of Fatima School became a full fledged High School.Our Lady of Fatima School provides students with superior educational opportunities in a caring, well-structured and supportive environment. Our general focus is to develop young people of high academic caliber, integrity, social conscience, warmth and courage.... Read more
* The above listed fees details are information available. Current fees might vary, depending on recent changes.
The opportunities at the school itself are not very great, just the staff might need an attitude adjustment.
The children get excellent attention and care from the teachers. The children get equal opportunities to take part in school activities.
I have chosen this school after a lot of research and truly contended with my experience , my child is learning and developing o the best of his capabilities
Teachers are very nice and here they put in a lot of effort to get children to start being independent. I am very happy with my call to opt for this school.
Absolutely satisfied with the education methodologies, staff attitude and a warm and caring school environment.
A great school. I also speak for many other parents who echo my sentiment. It is everything a parent needs, warm teachers, plethora of opportunities, balanced approach and hapy children.